Team 3 Fun Day

Here are some video highlights from our term 3 fun day! We got to watch the Inside Out movie and we had fresh, hot popcorn!

We also got to do art and we made yummy fruit kebabs.

18 thoughts on “Team 3 Fun Day

  1. hi room 13 I really like your movie that you did. Keep it up I can’t wait for you to make more movies like this. You deserve to have a fun day. I hope you enjoy your day today. From ave.

  2. Hi room 13 I love your movie I like the part when we watched the inside out movie I also like the part when we pretended to eat the watermelon keep up the good work.

  3. Hi room 13 I remember that I had a strawberry it was so much fun doing that and I really enjoyed watching me
    I will definitely not forget that memory

  4. Hi rm13 I really like your style of inside
    out I thought the movie was really cool and fun I also thought it was very sad
    because the buildings fell down
    but the rest was fun

    From caylee

  5. Kia ora, I’m Paula I like this movie I was in the movie when I ate the popcorn it was delicious my favourite one when we made kebab fruits. I’ll rate this a 10/10.

  6. Wow our team3 fun day was amazing.
    I loved the movie inside out
    The popcorn and everything else.
    also our movie too was cool
    From Israel.

  7. Hello room 13 I really liked the movie you made and I also saw myself in the fun movie. My favourite part was when we had fruit kebab. I liked it because it was very yummy but I didn’t have any marshmallows because I don’t really like marshmallows I only like other fruits so I skipped the marshmallows. From Avalee

  8. Hello room 13 I am in the team 3 fun day movie. I remember that we had popcorn and pillows also blankets.

    From Aroha.

  9. Kia ora room 13 I really like when you guys were dancing it was cool. It was also very fun when we got popcorn and got to watch a movie.

  10. Hi room 13 I love how you made the water melon art and I liked how you made the fruit kebabs and the popcorn.I wasn’t there cause I was sick.

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